Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Modifying an invalid sudoers file

For those who come across the missing sudoers file which looks something like this:
/etc/sudoers is owned by uid 777, should be 0
Follow the below steps to get rid of this problem:
You have to reboot into recovery mode and first do the folllowing:
1)Choose the 'Enable networking' option.
2)Choose the 'Drop to root shell' option.
and then run visudo as follows:
pxexec visudo
then change last line of from: include /etc/sudoers
to: include /etc/sudoers.d
and finally
reboot with normal grub option.
This should solve your problem.

Monday, 23 September 2013

Mysql error 1044

I'm sure a lot of people have come across this error message Error 1044 :Access Denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (USING PASSWORD:YES or NO) either because you have not uninstalled MySql properly/ simply because you are not using MySql logged in as a administrator/ using Mysql on your virtual machine having(Linux OS).

The solution is pretty simple, all you need to do is:

Type the following commands in your bash terminal in linux :

1. mysqladmin - u root password 'password goes here';

and then

2. mysql -h localhost -u root -p
 and then enter the password when asked.

In case of Windows :
This solution also pretty much works for removing the above error provided you have given concerned users/all users 'FULL CONTROL' .